A Model for Success: An Exclusive Interview with Clem Chambers, Co-Founder of PlusOneCoin (Plus1)

You heard right folks, this reporter just landed his first crypto-interview. So put your space helmets on and buckle up as we take journalism for a ride on our trusty crypto-rocket! Shining a light on the darkened corners of the altcoin market is just another service I offer. So sit back, relax and enjoy this foray into the world of PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) and it’s potential future!

Clem Chambers, CEO of On-line Blockchain Plc, and co-founder of PlusOneCoin (PLUS1)

The news surrounding PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) over the past month has had more to do with it’s parent company than the coin itself. On-line Plc (an incubator and technology investment company based in the U.K.) had the typically not-so news-worthy idea to change it’s name, in order to reflect a budding interest in blockchain technology to their investors. A seemingly small decision, the inclusion of the word ‘blockchain’ to the On-line brand created more of a stir than you might imagine. Immediately benefiting from a 396% increase in their stock price, On-line Blockchain Plc lived up to their new name, going live with their own coin, PlusOneCoin (PLUS1), shortly after.

But PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) didn’t walk the same beaten path taken by a majority of the altcoins we’ve grown comfortable with. With no ICO, crowd funding stage, or pre-sale, this mineable altcoin was put straight to work into an online platform of financial news and investment tools known as ADVFN (formerly known as the Advanced Financial Network). The popular ADVFN site (of which On-line Blockchain Plc owns an approximate 18% stake) operates in the U.K., Brazil, and even North America (as InvestorHub) attracting over three million users per month.

This large collection of subscribers use the token as a way of up-voting content and comments they find relevant on their favorite site. And while the use of this coin may sound a bit like another coin or two you’ve heard of, PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) takes their cryptocurrency a step further, as revealed in the following interview:

Questions and Answers
Clem Chambers called my cell to chat from across-the-pond around 12pm, PST on January 24th, 2018. This short Q&A session consists of the highlights of our conversation.

MCM: While noting the rise in current media attention, I also see some skepticism about PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) exhibited in some of the online forums. I think this may have something to do with the lack of a whitepaper or roadmap on your website. Can you speak to this issue? And is there a plan for a whitepaper for investors in the future?

CC: Sure we could write a big white paper, and maybe we should. The thing is, whitepapers tend to tell people what is to be done with a coin, and then, generally speaking, it never happens. We’re building our coin out on ADVFN, we’re building it out on ADVFN Brazil, and we’re building it out on InvestorHub in the US. Now, their communities attract three million private investors per month. We’re building out the coin into these communities, and building functionality within these communities, to express the potential for the coin on the blockchain. Our model is not to build a multi-billion dollar coin with no application, but to build a mineable social validation token.

MCM: I’m curious as to why PLUS1 chose not to hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). It seems other startups in the space are raking it in with these ICO’s, are they not?

CC: Well, some of them are and some of them aren’t. I can think of many examples of where ICO’s have not been so great. We’ve been doing this thing because it’s got a purpose. An ICO is not where we’re at. We can do this because On-line Blockchain PLC is about applications and use cases for the blockchain. That’s it’s business. And this is not a sprint. It’s a marathon.

MCM: Is there potential for the coin to be used outside of the ADVFN platform?

CC: Absolutely. PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) is in it’s infancy, and it will continue to develop. What it does is enable content providers another channel for monetization. On-line Blockchain’s business model is to have arrangements with content owners. We are looking to build solutions to enable all scales of providers.

PlusOneCoin (Plus1)/usd chart coutesy of advfn.com

MCM: There are some competitors in this space already. Can you tell me what sets PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) apart from other, better known currencies already in use to up-vote social content?

CC: Generally, these coins don’t have a suite of applications that enable them to be easily plugged-in to a social network. PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) is not just about donating to content creators, and it’s not just about the coin. The coin is only part of what we’re doing. When you use the coin to up-vote content or a comment, the user gets his cut, the platform gets its cut, but the most important part is not about the cut. It’s about what the coin does to that message. The coin gives the message a higher value and therefore prioritizes it, and we have the software to enable that functionality.

MCM: Thank you again, Mr. Chambers, for your time today. Before you go, I wanted to ask what the future holds for Clem Chambers the content creator and author, outside of PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) and On-line Blockchain, Plc?

CC: I like to create, I’m a creator. I think there is a very big opportunity and a very big need for education in this sector, because this is a world-changing technology. And people (we know this from equities) will walk straight into a trap, and they will do it with their eyes closed. And we will do our very best to educate people. I will probably be writing a lot more on crypto and blockchain. That’s where I’ll be going. And there will be more videos, because I like to make videos. I’m still waiting for a call from Netflix to turn one of my books into a movie!

End Interview

That sums up my exclusive interview concerning PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) with co-founder, Clem Chambers. As always, please do your own research into a company and it’s team before making any investment decisions. PlusOneCoin (PLUS1) is available now on the TradeSatoshi exchange. See you there!

Before I go, I want to leave you with a tidbit you weren’t expecting. Clem Chambers, the award winning author and content creator behind On-line PLC and PlusOneCoin (PLUS1), appears in the following segment, sure to assuage the fears of any investor still sitting on the fence:

Micah C. Miracle – Follow me on YouTube for more!

Micah C. Miracle: Long-time crypto-awareness advocate, Micah C. Miracle is ready for a whole new year as we take this experiment in financial sovereignty to the next level. Email me: about2blastoff@gmail.com