Here’s Three (3) of the Most Usable Cryptocurrencies – Binance Coin (BNB), Basic Attention Token (BAT), (POE)

With the huge drop in coin market-cap over the last week, investors have largely fled from yesterday’s favored altcoins, instead seeking shelter for their gains made from last month’s explosion in the crypto-market. Whether tethered or withdrawn, the systemic shock caused by this panic has sent the market reeling, leaving nothing but a sea-of-red (the color of coins losing value over a 24 hour period) for investors re-entering the market to choose from. And in the outgoing tide of Ethereum (ETH), many of our favorite picks from December will be shown to have waded naked in the warm waters of yesterday’s coin market, while the usable crypto-currencies keep their swim-trunks tied securely around their waistbands. Binance Coin (BNB), Basic Attention Token (BAT) and (POE) represent three of the most usable crypto-currencies from which a wiser investor, re-entering the market, will rightly look to choose from.

As the public regains confidence in blockchain technology (and cryptocurrencies in general), the ever-wiser investors taking part in tomorrow’s altcoin market will likely skip the over-technical jargon littering whitepapers and roadmaps, and invest their hard earned fiat into technologies they can truly understand. Products that represent an advancement in technologies that the public already  has some understanding of are the ones that will succeed in tomorrow’s coin-market. And as public buy-in picks up steam in the coming day(s) we will likely see a tamer and more cautious investor class, searching for the most usable and understandable products offered on the same old blockchain we’ve all grown to love.

Binance Coin (BNB)
Coming in at the top spot, Binance Coin (BNB) is likely the most useable coin on the market today. And the concept is simple. Users of the Binance exchange simply purchase the coin from the Binance trading platform, and toggle a switch found in their account settings. This switch allows consumers to ‘use BNB for fees,’ reducing the already low cost of trading Binance is known for, in half. This lower cost of fees is taken from the store of Binance Coin (BNB) the user has purchased, rather than from a portion of the coins the user trades in and out of. It doesn’t get any easier than that. Perhaps the best part for holders of this currency are the gains realized when a growing investor class floods the gates of this over-burdened exchange, as witnessed over the past weeks. Binance (the world’s most popular altcoin exchange) had to temporarily close access to new registrants recently, but is open again for business with a new, faster interface.

Binance Coiin (BNB) price chart courtesy of

Basic Attention Token (BAT)
For those of you following my articles, you already know that I’m a fan of this next-most usable cryptocurrency. Basic Attention Token (BAT), like Binance Coin (BNB), is simple to understand, boding well for the attraction of a more timid public stepping into the market for the first (or second) time. The company has released Brave, a web browser with powerful ad-blocking tech, useful for reading your favorite news-sites without being interrupted by those annoying pop-up advertisements.

The token is paid to the users of the service for allowing advertisements to filter into their online experience. It can also be donated by users to sites offering relevant content. The system rewards the users and creators of content online in an open, decentralized web-experience.

Basic Attention Token (BAT) price chart courtesy of (POE)
Taking the number three spot (a very respectable placing) is (POE). (POE) is a crypto currency in use by publishers and content creators to license online content. Using the blockchain, licensing of content is absolutely verifiable. This amazing concept allows publishers to cut out the time and money spent on legal staff, who before now verified individually each form of content available for publication. (POE) price chart courtesy of

In tomorrow’s crypto-market, usable tokens will be sought after by a new wave of public buy-in, burned by the theoretical whitepapers and roadmaps offered by yesterdays cryptocurrencies. Whether burned by the recent withdrawals from the market, or naturally timid as they enter the space for the first time, the coming wave of public money entering the crypto-market will need to be met with usable and understandable products offered on the blockchain. These usable products will be the winners in the new era of crypto-investments we are about to enter. Get ready!

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Micah C. Miracle: Long-time crypto-awareness advocate, Micah C. Miracle is ready for a whole new year as we take this experiment in financial sovereignty to the next level. Email me: