Verge (XVG), Trust Restored + Stealth Amplified

FILE PHOTO -- The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. A dramatic leap forward in technology, the bomber represents a major milestone in the U.S. bomber modernization program. The B-2 brings massive firepower to bear, in a short time, anywhere on the globe through previously impenetrable defenses. (U.S. Air Force photo)

[Photo: B2 Stealth Bomber + Wraith Protocol]

Have you ever had your heart broken? Did you have a feeling of pain, anger and hopelessness? Did you vow never to fall in love again? Well, that is the story many Verge (XVG) fans can relate to on New Year’s Eve, 2018.

The story goes that The Verge Team was going to release the much awaited Wraith Protocol by the end of the year, 2017. In mid December, the hype and talk started to make news on Twitter, Facebook and Telegram that the Wraith Protocol was what was going to send the price of Verge to The Moon. Many enthusiasts of the coin even started calculating the price XVG needed to be for them to own a Lambo.

What proceeded was the formation of a very committed Telegram Group called the Verge Army. The followers and believers of the superhero Verge Developer, Justin Vendetta really believed that by 11.59pm, December 31st, Wraith Protocol would be released and the price of XVG would rise in a tragectory parallel to the fire works at Times Square.

Then the debacle of Time Zones came to mind. Everyone started musing about what time zone the Verge Team was using. Then an announcement was made on the official Twitter page of XVG that they were using Florida time (UTC – 5). Everyone got excited! The tweets and pump chants and stories were coming in faster than greased lighting.

Official Verge twitter page announcing Time Zone

The Verge Army was amped, myself included!

Rather than spending New Year’s accompanied by fine young lass, I spent it staring at my computer screen waiting for the much awaited Moon Landing by XVG! It was like watching Armstrong land on the Moon!

‘One giant step for XVG, one giant green candle on the screen!’

Anxiously waiting for XVG Moon Landing on New Years

However, this did not happen. Wraith was not released on the said time zone! The dumping of coins begun and continued well into January 1st. Many member of the Telegram group left. Some sold in bulk like myself and moved on feeling heart broken for their was no communication from the Verge Team on the reason as to why Wraith was not released.

It was an Exodus en masse!

But any wise Crypto trader does not catch feelings for too long. Some of us kept a watchful eye on the developments of Wraith from the corner of our trading eyes!

Wraith was later uploaded on github the 1st of January but it had issues on all versions released on Mac, Linux and Windows. It also a bit too late. The price of the coin had been affected.

But the team at Verge worked tirelessly and started communicating developments: unlike on New Years.

The full WORKING Wraith protocol was released on the 8th of January and on all three platforms of Mac, Linux and Windows. This in-turn sent the price of the coin soaring on all exchanges. Even after the market correction of the past week, XVG has shown resilience for it has a product to back up the idea of the coin.

So what is Wraith Protocol? In a nutshell, it allows for the user of the protocol to switch between public ledger and private ledger while transferring XVG coins. In other words, you can do transaction using stealth-mode like a B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber.

In summary, XVG had broken a lot of hearts by not releasing the much anticipated Wraith Protocol at the communicated time period. This was even considered as betrayal for no tech company goes silent when a product launch is not going according to plan. What happens is that they issue a press statement explaining the hiccups faced and an estimated new release date. The Verge Team did no such thing on New Years.

However, with the release of a working Wraith Protocol by January 8th, they have redeemed themselves for this small hitch in lack of communication. They should also learn from this mistake.

Please note I have not mention any price for the coin in the entire article.


Firstly, it is still cheap! XVG is currently trading at $0.11 on Binance.

Secondly, I believe this article was to be centered more on the delivery of proof of concept of the the Verge Coin. Wraith protocol is working as it was envisioned to be. And to me that is more value to the project than a price on an online crypto currency exchange.

It is such projects that can make a tech and crypto enthusiast to shed that random tear when you see projects coming to fruition.

If the whole scenario described above was a movie, the release on the 8th would have been accompanied by the loyal Verge fans, clapping their hands and chanting “Wraith! Wraith! Wraith!”…and a sweet, rosy soundtrack playing in the background similar to that in the opening scene of Chariots of Fire.

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John P. Njui: Crypto Enthusiast. Terrible dancer. Former DJ. Amateur Marathoner. Electrical Engineer. Kool kat.

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