Nano (NANO) is regaining its glory – Here’s how

After the major fall in its price from early January this year, the Nano (NANO) coin is now aiming for higher objectives.
For the last week, Nano (NANO) even got past $10 so it’s just a matter of time before Nano also gets past the $16 marker.
So, what’s Nano’s (NANO) secret?
2018 has been already a great year for Nano (NANO) despite the major fall from early January.
The year started with the development and integration of a light wallet into the RaiBlock and Ledger Nano S. The light wallet has opened a range of opportunities for users and more users can also access the crypo coin even using their smart phones.
After Binance rewarding Nano(NANO) community for being the best cryptocurrency community, Nano(NANO) also got a boost after Coinbase agreed to list the coin on its exchange platform. As the number of exchange platforms continues to grow, Nano(NANO) will get better and better exposed to potential investors.
Recently, NANO also received a major endorsement from Twitch, one of the major game streaming providers globally and owned by Amazon, after Twitch allows NANO coin to be used in paying in its platform.
Getting a partner like Twitch that provides over ten thousand subscribers will create the opportunity for Nano(NANO) get more users.
Positive Feedback from Crypto-Experts
In cryptocurrency market, the comments or reviews of cryptocurrency investors and experts make a considerable impact on the market. Nano’s whitepaper got huge appreciation from Charlie Lee (founder of Litecoin) because of its innovative technology and functionality as a cryptocurrency. In his personal Twitter account, Charlie Lee praised this coin with clarifying explanations of various issues. Such positive comments from renowned crypto-experts are likely to contribute to this coin’s future.
The Crypto
Nano, formally known as RaiBlocks is a cryptocurrency that has a low latency and is trustless. It relies on a block-lattice architecture that is novel with each account having its own blockchain. Consensus comes from the delegated proof of stake (PoS) voting. With Nano, users get unlimited scalability plus instantaneous transactions without fees. That lack of fees is possible thanks to the minimal resources required by the network, including no requirement for high-power mining hardware. According to its website, the Nano network so far has processed more than 4 million transactions.
The biggest advantages of Nano are its lack of fees, scalability, and instantaneous transactions. Because of the lightweight protocol, there are no fees for transactions. Additionally, transactions are taken care of independently, with each transaction fitting with a UDP packet, preventing block size-related problems.
It is also highly scalable thanks to the use of logarithms of data sets using tree-like structures. Lastly, the transactions are instantaneous since they precache the system’s anti-spam proof of work (PoW) to use with the following transaction following completion of each transaction. There might still be a delay for an ongoing transaction, but that helps prevent spam.
In 2018, the Nano(NANO) team plans to develop its light wallet and add chain pruning to reduce the size of the chain.
Major goals for the future include the protocol becoming an internet standard that is controlled by a diverse grouping of people from various areas instead of a single person or small group.
The team also wants to add IPv6 multicast to the transaction broadcasting so everyone who wants to can see the announcement for a transaction. The team hopes to have current payment providers accept the NANO tokens just like they would a fiat currency.
How 2018 should turn out for Nano?
Keeping the volatile nature of cryptocurrency in mind, it is impossible for foretell the future of any cryptocurrency. But still, with the right set of information and imminent events, a probable future can be predicted, even if it is not very accurate.
If its current recovery and other factors like lucrative partnerships, listing, and launching of wallets are considered, Nano is likely to experience a successful 2018.